Southern Tier NY Meshtastic Group

Home Contact


I haven't been able to make many if any contacts via LoRA yet which is one reason I included a link in my node naming and set this site up. Hoping to connect folks together to maybe jumpstart a bit of a community in the Southern Tier.

While I am still figuring most of this stuff out I have picked up some knowledge (and a lot of various hardware bits and pieces.) In addition to this basic site I setup a Discord server that folks are free to join and maybe further the discussion of Meshtastic.

If email is more your style:

My Meshtastic Nodes

If by chance you do see one of my nodes pop up in your node list this what they are and how I am using them. I am awful at picking names so nothing clever or creative here.

I have accumulated a bunch of stuff and have a pile of stuff that I either ordered in error ie SMA Female when I need male or RP-SMA when I needed SMA etc etc... I have had good luck with ordering stuff from Rokland and would not hesitate pointing folks to them for their needs.

    STMesh MQTT (

    This is a node I use for remote management and uplink to MQTT as its the only node I have with network capability. Currently just have this one on my desk in a 3d printed case.

    • Purpose: Management
    • Short Name: STM0
    • User Id: !4359ae9c
    • Role: client
    • Model: Helltec V3

    STMesh Rooftop Relay (

    Outdoor solar node mounted on roof with a mid-gain 5db antenna

    STMesh Vehicle Relay (

    This is a node I am installing in the car with an external antenna. Still very much a build in progress and a node I will hopefully just rely on for relaying signal to the node I am most likely to be caryying (STM3).

    The build is in place in very much a testing state. The thought process here was a battery powered node so that it could be left on when I am away from the vehicle acting as a relay point. I have it connected to the vehicle via a 5v USB-C buck converter which will let me switch power on to the unit via the vehicle AUX switches for charging / power.

    STMesh T-Echo (

    This is the most portable node of the bunch and the only on with GPS capability, most likely to have this one one me and paired to the phone.